Home Buying

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How Much to Offer

If you’re at the point in the house hunting process where you’re asking yourself how much you should make an offer for, that’s exciting news! It means you’ve found a house that you could see yourself calling “home.” But it also means you’re likely in a panic about exactly how much you should make your

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7 Important Financial Considerations to Make Before Buying a Home

Whether to buy or rent is a controversial question, to say the least. Add in the unpredictability of military life, and the stakes are even higher when it comes to deciding whether home ownership is a viable option for your family. Here’s what you should consider before buying a home. Are you eligible for a

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Rent v. Own: Four Factors for Military Families to Consider Regarding Housing

66,100,000. That’s how many blogs, articles, resources, and opinions Google generously spits back when we type in “military families own or rent.” Obviously, renting versus owning a home is a quandary that’s very much on the minds of lots of folks. In the name of convenience (we don’t imagine you’ve got time to read over

Rent v. Own: Four Factors for Military Families to Consider Regarding Housing Read More »

Jessica Parnell

Jessica Parnell

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Jessica Parnell
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