Home Buying

What is Earnest Money?

Earnest Money Defined If the word “earnest” is defined as showing sincere and intense conviction, then “earnest money” can be considered the good faith deposit in a real estate transaction that shows a buyer’s sincere and intense conviction (interest) to purchase the home upon agreement of a signed contract.  Essentially, earnest money is a deposit

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What You Need to Know About Homeowners Associations

Just hearing the name, Homeowners Association (HOA) may conjure images of grown adults huddled together in folding chairs in the pool house, arguments ensuing, and that one neighbor on the board who has let a little too much power go to his head, rapping the wooden gavel trying to maintain order in the ranks over

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5 Tricks for Getting Your Offer Accepted in a Competitive Market

The housing market has gone through many changes as a result of the pandemic and its economic consequences. Seemingly gone are the days when home prices were reasonable and buyers had the luxury of taking their time to really weigh the pros and cons of a property and linger with their offer-making efforts.  These days

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Newlyweds: A Checklist for Buying Your First Home

Whether you are planning an upcoming wedding or have recently tied the knot, these are exciting times all around. Everything feels new from name changes and establishing new rhythms as a married couple, to learning the art of compromise and teamwork in most decision making.  One such area that will require the ultimate exhibition of

Newlyweds: A Checklist for Buying Your First Home Read More »

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What is Escrow?

Escrow Defined Escrow is a legal arrangement in which a third party temporarily holds money or property until a particular condition has been met (such as the fulfillment of a purchase agreement). Who Is Involved with Escrow? There is a litany of people who are involved when it comes to escrow. First, there is the

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How Buying the Right Home Affects Work-Life Balance

According to Qualtrics, work-life balance involves the minimization of work-related stress, as well as establishing a stable and sustainable way to work while maintaining health and general well-being in your regular life. While it is true that absolute perfect balance and boundaries within your personal and professional lives at all times may be unattainable, it

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Calculator Contract

What Is an Appraisal Gap?

These days, more than ever, it is vital for homeowners to educate themselves on all manner of terms and lingo surrounding the purchasing experience. One such term that you may not be familiar with is, “appraisal gap.” Below you will discover what an appraisal gap is and what you need to know in order to

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The Best Advice from Real Estate Investment Pros

Whether you consider yourself a real estate investor or simply consider yourself a homeowner, many people find that homeownership can be a jumping-off point for considering their home beyond a primary residence.  In fact, some military families initially purchase their homes to live in during a duty assignment but realize soon that upon PCSing, they

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Jessica Parnell

Jessica Parnell

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