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Things to Consider When Insuring Your Home

Congratulations on taking the plunge into homeownership! This new level of adulting can bring about many other new purchases and decisions. And we’re not talking about curtains and flooring here: We mean homeowners insurance. You’ve probably had to secure insurance for your car, and we hope you’ve had renters insurance in the past, but homeowners

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It’s (Almost) Tax Time: Tips for Military Homeowners

Congratulations on becoming a homeowner this past year! Whether it’s your first home or your forever home, becoming a homeowner is an exciting time. As we begin the new year, filled with resolutions and intentions, tax season can honestly seem far away. However, a little time spent now can save you immense headaches closer to

It’s (Almost) Tax Time: Tips for Military Homeowners Read More »

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5 Gifts Ideas for Military Families to Give This Holiday Season

The time is near for giving gifts of good cheer! With all the hubbub of the holidays approaching, the added task of gift-buying can quickly end up on your “Naughty List.” To make your life a little easier, here are a few great gifts that any homeowner would love to receive this holiday season. Local

5 Gifts Ideas for Military Families to Give This Holiday Season Read More »

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DIY: Outdoor Privacy

You love your neighbors (hopefully). You love the feeling of community and togetherness. Chances are also high that you like privacy and boundaries as well. Most folks think of fences when they think of privacy. But fences can be a prohibitively expensive proposition, particularly if you’re not likely to be in your current home for

DIY: Outdoor Privacy Read More »

Jessica Parnell

Jessica Parnell

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Jessica Parnell
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