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Tax Season

While the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law in December 2017, this is the first tax year under the new tax laws. Whether you rented, purchased, or sold real estate in 2018, changes in the tax code will have implications for gross taxable income, eligible deductions, and exemptions that can be […]

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DIY: Curb Appeal

The calendar says it’s spring and, if you call somewhere with more than one season home, it’s likely that spring arrived just as you and your family were starting to experience some serious cabin fever. It’s the time of year for sunshine and cool breezes and fresh air outside with loved ones. It’s also the

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DIY Home Office

If you’ve moved for/with the military, then you already know that sometimes the house you rent or buy at your new duty station isn’t always the house of your dreams—the one with the basement where you can set up your workout equipment or the spare bedroom for the craft room you fantasize about having in

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How Much to Offer

If you’re at the point in the house hunting process where you’re asking yourself how much you should make an offer for, that’s exciting news! It means you’ve found a house that you could see yourself calling “home.” But it also means you’re likely in a panic about exactly how much you should make your

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Only Fools Fall in Love (with a House They Can’t Afford)

You found “it.” You know, the one. The house that you’ve been looking for that is just “perfect.” And you are totally in love with it. That’s fantastic news, in theory. In practice, that’s only great news if you’ve already established that the house is within your budget—not that larger number the bank is happy

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The Five Love Languages and Your Perfect Home

When you’re in house-buying mode, you’re often inundated with options. You’ve no doubt poured over countless listings, done drive-bys of neighborhoods with “for sale” signs, spent far too many hours watching video tours of homes, and done more than your fair share of open houses. With all these potential properties on the table, how do

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Jessica Parnell

Jessica Parnell

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